Reiki in Maine.
Japanese Reiki Workshop.
This January 17 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Juan de la Piedra, peruvian Reiki Master, writer and investigator of orient healings ways, will be in Kimball Health Center in 333 Lincoln Street, in Saco, Maine.
For me is an interesting oportunity to know new japanese techniques from the roots of Usui Reiki, because usually we know the american version from Hawayo Takata, introducer the system in United Estates.
Juan de la Piedra is not only a Reiki Master, he is recognized researcher who has the great energy to share their knowledge with us; he started over 11 years to investigate the eastern disciplines and has over 7 years teaching and writing with great humility and generosity.
He comes from Toronto, Canada where is conducting workshops and therapies; he will be in Maine on January 15. Those wishing to hold a meeting with him could call 207 590-3884 ask for Marie Laverriere-Boucher. For him will be a pleasure meet with you.
The fee is only USD$50.00.
The Workshop Contents:
1° Salmodeo Gokai and Reiki Reiju
2° Gassho Meditation
3° Joshin Kokiu Ho
4° Hado Kokyu Ho
5° Hikari No Kokyu Ho
6° Practice Deep Gassho Meditation ( 2 while the workshop).
7° The Reiki Simbols, the origin, the right use.
8° Byosen scaning, the Usui technique.
9° Definition of REIKI
10° Several use of the Reiki simbols, protocols, and more.
11° The Manual of Usui for healt: Reiki Ryoho Hikkei
Kimball Health Center is an important social center in Maine to attend the people with several problems.
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2 comentarios
Juan de la Piedra -
Jon Camp -